Monday, November 9, 2009

Family Collaboration and Brick Walls

I contacted my husband's cousin, Sue Kolbe, who is also a genealogy buff. She shared information she had found on the Kolbe line which was very helpful and helped me tear down a few of those "brick walls."

Genealogists use the term brick wall to describe a spot where their research has been temporarily halted due to unsuccessful attempts to uncover a piece (or pieces) of information. Brick walls stop the forward progress in researching a particular family line.

Brick walls can be short lived or last for decades. And just like a real brick walls, there are many ways to get past one. You can go over, under, or around it. It can be blown up or disassembled one brick at a time.

My collaboration with Sue was very helpful. The next few posts will outline some of the information I obtained from her.

Next: William and Pauline Kolbe's death information

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